Triumph unveils the My Chopsticks Bra as Japanese consumers are becoming more aware of the negative impact that disposable chopsticks have on the environment. While it is becoming increasingly trendy for people to reduce waste by carrying around their own reusable chopsticks, Japanese consumers still go through an estimated 25 billion pairs (90,000 tons) of disposable chopsticks each year, which amounts to 200 pairs per person.
Triumph lingerie model Yuko Ishida, who ordinarily carries around a pair of her own chopsticks, says she hopes people think of the environment when they see this bra, adding that “the chopsticks on the sides help add a little extra volume to your bust.”
Since 2004, Triumph has designed a number of eco-minded concept bras, including the Eco-globe Bra, the microwaveable Warm Biz Bra, and the No! Shopping Bag Bra.
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